Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #281551
      Heidi D.

      For most of my life I have been a spiritual seeker. Last year an akashic reader recommended that I listen to Hebrew prayers, and I started listening to Yosef Karduner’s beautiful singing. When I hear his music my heart becomes full.

      Then I discovered Rav Laitman’s Zohar. Many sections I cannot understand at all, but occasionally I have glimpses into the divine meaning. It seems that my heart comprehends what my brain cannot.

      Looking forward to studying with you all,

    • #281544

      Hello, I’m coming back to it for another try. I hope I can keep my focus on what matters, and my heart in the right place too. Regina

    • #281491
      Gökay Büyükkurt

      Merhaba Ben Türkiyeden Gökay Büyükkurt. 2011 den bu zamana kadar kabala çalışıyorum. Türkiye eğitim merkezinde eğitim gördüm ama Türkiye Eğitim merkezi öğretmeni Marty Mutlu  Meydan Beni gruba dahil etmiyor.Bende Beni Türkiye Grubuna dahil etmedikleri için Sizinle Çalışmak istedim.İngilizcem çok iyi değil , temel ingilizcem var.Umarım hem İngilizcem Gelişir hemde kalpteki noktam gelişir 🙂

    • #281446
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hello Tony , My Name is Kebede Mamo Dessis i am from Ethiopia

    • #281445
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hello Tony , My Name is Kebede Mamo Dessis i am form Ethiopia

    • #281438

      I am Jon, 33, from Malaysia. Delved into such niche since highschool but nowhere to seek guidance. Went on an independent journey blindly onto the otherside, more or less thought of the dark arts, eventually found light, the true light. Battles and suffering in changing paths revealed with or without reason a certain understanding, a tiny bit. Kept on exploring with what is gained and constantly aligning with this branch, among others.

      Here I am. 🙂

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