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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,801 through 4,806 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #189868
      Gustavo Limas

      Hello all and a may a warm welcome find you on this day. I had the question come into my daily meditation. What is Kabbalah? I went to YouTube and found Tony’s lesson of Kabbalah revealed. Those were the best 6 hours I have dedicated to learning something that illuminated my understanding of the creator and my relationship with it. I decided to go further down the rabbit hole. Looking forward to whatever is next.

    • #189862

      My name is Tanya.  I live in Brooklyn, NY.  I have been searching for the spiritual wisdom for many years.  My path – from various self improvement and New Age teachings to discovering The Bible and Christianity.  I was astonished by the wisdom, which was revealed to me in the Bible, but did not feel aligned with Christian interpretation of it, still had lots of questions, but most importantly I did not achieve my connection with the Creator, I did not feel that light force inside of me, did not find a balance and a sense of purpose.  Then I discovered Kabbalahinfo on YouTube.  Priceless.  I am excited to join, open to receive a new level of wisdom and grow spiritually.

    • #188627

      Hi, I am Francisco from Portugal. Found the Kabbalah by mere chance on YouTube via some of Tony’s older videos, while going through some particularly tough moments of my life. Since then I have not stopped this quest for knowledge and integration with the True Reality!

    • #188481
      Oliwia Alksnin

      hello, I’m Oliwia from Poland 🙂 I watched the Tony’s youtube course and wanted to go deeper

    • #188413
      Sachin Jadhav


      My name is Sachin & I am from India. I want to learn Kabbalah numerology.

    • #188393
      Ben Vinar

      Ive been on the tree of life now for at least 18 months now. Ive had a difficult time navigating my situation so I finally broke down , and here I am.  I love the detail of Cabalism and appreciate the information Kabu puts out there for the world . I still have a whole lot to learn. Thank you.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,801 through 4,806 (of 6,426 total)
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