Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,807 through 4,812 (of 6,425 total)
  • Author
    • #188252
      Peter Bernhardsson


      I’m Peter from Sweden. I’ve actually started this course before, but I wasn’t really ready at that point. Now I have started going “deeper” with Kabbalah and I think that now is the right time to begin again. Really look forward to learn more!

    • #188135

      Excited to learn more, was guided here so beautifully. So much of what I intuitively understand about life is explained by Kabbala!

    • #188122

      Hi! I’m Luda. Looking forward to be able to to be a better vessel for light!

    • #188111
      Thomas Wright

      Hello! My name is Thomas from the United States! I’m from Colorado but currently live in Illinois. I’ve been studying Kabbalah for almost two years now and am ready to further that knowledge and study with like-minded others. I’ve enjoyed KabU’s YouTube page for quite some time now and looking forward to some direction!

    • #188096

      Hello all! Greetings.  My name is Kelly and I live in Toronto, Canada.  I am seeking insight into what is outside and within me, to create peace and harmony in my world, and to be connected with others who are also seeking.  I have a strong aversion to dogma, but much respect for deep learning and attraction to what I hope may be wisdom.

    • #188021

      Hi 🙂 My name is Mikołaj. I’m from Poland. I’ve joined a course becouse I want to know more about Kabbalah, developer myself and help others human beings to grow.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,807 through 4,812 (of 6,425 total)
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