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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #186342

      I was searching for answers to “life’s persistent questions” in he early 90’s when I watched a documentary narrated by Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban “Heritage- Civilization and the Jews” and a movie I watched with friends “A Night with the King,” based on the Book of Esther. I have declared myself and following the teachings of Jesus Christ I have been lead to explore the roots of our faith, the Torah, and the Kabbalists. I am a chemist working in our family laboratory business Analytech since 1981. In the 80’s and early 90’s we had the pleasure to hire immigrants from the old Soviet republics, several of which were Jewish in origin. They each went on to productive and happy lives in the US, some of whom we have kept in touch with over the years. I’m a father of four children, one perished, and have four beautiful grandchildren.

    • #186339

      Hi, my name is Dee and I live in the UK. Here to learn and hopefully expand my consciousness and be a more giving person.


    • #186312

      Good Morning,

      I am Harlon. Im from Indiana, USA. I’m here by divine appointment, or so I hope to discover.  With a focus on self-discovery and growth, I’m searching for the answer to the meaning and purpose of life. What’s it all about anyway?

    • #186279

      Hi My name is Robert. I am from the state of Maryland. I am interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah to discover the purpose of our existence and the creation at large.

    • #186275

      Hello everyone,


      I am Arsenije, currently living in New York, but originally from Serbia. I have been inconsistently reading and trying to learn about Kabbalah, hopefully this course will provide some groundwork for my future study. Good luck to all of you in your endeavors.

    • #186255
      V C

      I tried to post my intro on 11/2/21, but I don’t see it here — although many of you look familiar.  I’ve completed the first week since then, but here’s what I posted then:

      Good Morning. My name is Virginia and I live in California. By coincidence, this is election day [11/2/21] in the US state of “Virginia” — a good day to start this course again? I’ve studied Kabbalah in a haphazard way on and off for many years. Each time I do some reading or start a course, my monkey mind jumps away and I return to the loneliness of the ego. Today, my intention is to remain connected to the Light that radiates from the Creator through our teachers — past and present — with deep gratitude the holy work of KabU, B’nei Baruch, Rabbi Laitman, Tony Konsinec, and all of you.


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