Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 499 through 504 (of 6,439 total)
  • Author
    • #414880

      Hi, my name is Zdravko. I live in Croatia. I was attracted to Kabbalah by the statement that it’s not a religion. Religion includes faith, I was looking for something more. I was more than surprised about the change in my mind and attitude so far. Looking forward to climb this ladder of knowledge

    • #414870

      My name is Myk- I am Sephardic and live in Texas. I hope you better understand myself and HaShem from this program.

    • #414823

      Sou Ludmila, uma brasileira que buscou através do YouTube vários canais que pudessem me aproximar do Eterno, até que descobri o canal da Kabbalah, que me trouxe a este rico conhecimento que alegra o meu coração. Obrigada por estes ensinamentos tão sagrados e profundos da Kaballah

    • #414782

      Hi everyone! My name is Sandra, a super curious soul from the northern parts of Sweden. I have a desire to truly deepen my relationship with the creator and as far as possible be able to come from, share and create from a loving, giving place.🤍 To live fully.

    • #414708

      Hi everyone, my name is Andy. I am interested in learning about how to use the technology of Kabbalah for daily life.

    • #414693

      kia ora koutou.. hello all.  I am a mixed blood Maori woman in mid 60s who has been intrigued by my desire since very young, to understand why humans act the way they do, including myself. My fathers mother’s Mother was a Jew. Always intrigued by this I have been dabling with the Kabbalah since a teenager but Religious dogma has continuously pulled me one way. Thou shalt honour thy mother & father has meant I Should follow their pathway of beliefs. However I have also studied Yoga for over 40 years of which I hide much of the philosophy from them. I want to understand my Jewish heritage a bit more. Looking after my 90 year old father I see his heart being more open to this now. Interbreeding of cultures and religions has created a miss mass of humans yet a wonderful diverse population of thinkers. I signed up because this is Free. I am of meagre means.  Knowledge freely shared maketh a woman.

Viewing 6 posts - 499 through 504 (of 6,439 total)
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