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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 505 through 510 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #414676
      Dr. Jayesh Ramawat

      Hi, Everyone!

      I am Dr. Jayesh Ramawat from India.

      I am a Numerology and Vaastu consultant and an Aura Analyst. I want to have more insights about Kabbalah Numerology.

      All the very best to All of Us.

    • #414628

      Hello guys, my name is Ahmet. I’m joining from Türkiye. It’s exciting to be here. I want to explore the meaning of endlessness in this world which has an end. That’s why I’m here. Good luck to all of us🙏

    • #414414
      Andronicus Mumbi

      Hi My Name Is Andronicus from Zambia

    • #414370
      KrystalsMom 4Ever

      Hi everyone! I’m not 100% sure why I’m here. I guess because I’ve heard of Kabbalah but I know nothing about it. So intrigue is a big part but I have a deep yearning to understand life & why we’re here. I have been through things that most people wouldn’t have survived. A lot of people tell me I’m lucky to be here, to be alive. That I’m a strong warrior who has looked death in the eye and laughed. But ya see I don’t think I’m strong at all. I would love to know what the meaning & purpose of life really is. Are we here just to be entertainment for a god that has his own son killed just so he could be worshiped and glorified?  I want to know why my 12 year old daughter was allowed to end her life yet I’m still here even after many of my own attempts to end my life.


      Was I born into this world just to suffer great loss & indescribable heartache and pain?

      I am on a spiritual journey that I walk alone most of the time. I am curious what Kabbalah has to offer that can help answer the questions of my soul.

    • #414366
      Shahin Bahraini


      my name is Shahin from Switzerland

    • #413525

      Hello, my name is Rocio Damato, and I’m from Pennsylvania. I’m an entrepreneur and have over 15 years of experience in education and workforce development. I’m also on a spiritual journey, practicing daily meditation and exploring wisdom traditions. I’m excited to deepen my understanding of Kabbalah and connect with others on this path

Viewing 6 posts - 505 through 510 (of 6,438 total)
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