Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 319 through 324 (of 950 total)
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    • #333141

      I am by nature someone who explores a lot of new things and at the same time quickly gives up. With the Kabbala there is a feeling that keeps me on track. I feel that this will help me better understand my inner world.

    • #333135

      By observing the changes taking place in my life.

    • #333110
      maria santos

      I think for me its when things click. Sometimes I read or hear something and it doesn’t click, and then later on I have an ah ha moment when the light bulb clicks on.

    • #333058
      Curtis AO

      I think we know advancement by how much joy and pleasure we get out of life. I suppose, the vitality you have increases as well.

    • #333056

      I don’t know if “Deeper”. I have a “Blurry” vision that the purpose, the personal and specific purpose, I have in life, never was revealed or properly revealed, that… is something I have to dig out every step of the life, wasting the effort most of the times and enjoining some of them.  Why is like that?  Really have no sense to me. It will be more profitable, to have it revealed first. Pj.  “If you know (“Impossible to be”) that your enemy will attack  in the morning, be prepared earlier, but do not attack them first:   We never “Know” what tomorrow will be, then never sleep and be on guard every day and do nothing else.  For that case, the B.O.M., have a better solution. “Is better to kill one man than to leave a nation to perish”

      To the personal level is similar, look but no touch, touch but no grab, grab but no use, use but no enjoy…  you know the tale.

      I thing I need more to really evaluate my advances.

    • #332989

      by making spiritual progress and trying to understand and cooperate with the Creator’s plan.

Viewing 6 posts - 319 through 324 (of 950 total)
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