Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

  • #57405

    Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 237 total)
  • Author
    • #323026
      Ann Stephens

      My desire for this semester is to continue to experience the wisdom, even if only as a tiny glimpse in the periphery of my field of “vision”. I would like the light to evolve me by increasing my desire to adhere to the creator.

    • #322894

      My desire is to experience it practically in this course, and to be experienced too.

    • #322692

      I pray the originator of the womb for further influence unto our correction with the aim of mutual connection.

      • #322695

        * the Originator (Hi Michelle, I’m sorry for wrong placement)

    • #320501

      freedom from control of the ego.

    • #320197

      I want the Light to remove the restrictions I feel (e.g. that I should never want/ask anything for myself), to remove my doubts (should I do this or that? think this or that?…) and most important, to rearrange my life so I can have more time to study Kabbalah and start with the practice!

    • #320149

      I hope for greater connection with the creator and others

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 237 total)
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