Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

  • This topic has 305 replies, 293 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by Steve.
  • #57405

    Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 299 total)
  • Author
    • #413382

      I want the light to influence the point in my heart and let it grow brighter.

    • #413097

      I want the information I am learning to become my lifestyle. I want to gain a greater comprehension of these teaching so they become reality.

    • #413050
      Ka Bubot

      How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

      The course title “Kabbalah Experience” suggest that all of the previous courses from knowing who we really are, the system, the processes and spiritual lab that we have gone through now points in the direction of the outside realm where we need to put to work to experience first hand how to use them and how they apply to our life.

      I am elevating a prayer to the Light to help me by providing me with the wisdom and understanding, the zeal to push through, and the love for me keep my focus on how to support the group and see them evolve.

      Therefore my desire for this semester would be to finally connect with the group , be responsible to  support them to be able to realize and to “taste and see that the Lord is good” and in so doing attain the quality of equivalence in form with Him.  and be able to share and influence others to follow the wisdom of Kabbalah by being a good example.


    • #413039

      I want to be able to be more effortlessly involved in the kabbalah lessons. I wish for the creator to help me maintain interest in it and not fall asleep during the zoom lessons.

    • #413029
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      I have longed for a personal relationship with my creator. I had always thought that this was a very personal endeavor, one that we each had to discover on our own throughout our experiences in this world and life. It had never occurred to me that the true way to accomplish this was with interaction with our neighbors and friends. We are all on the path to equivalence of form with the G-d and regardless of where we each are along this path, it is necessary that we help one another along the way. We are all a part of the collective soul of Adam and how appropriate that we should all be involved in the re-building of this soul as one collective body. I look forward to beginning this journey with all the friends here at KabU.


    • #412983

      I desire to influence my point in the heart toward the light and to evolve spiritually, in service to others.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 299 total)
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