Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

  • #37695

    Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 410 total)
  • Author
    • #309888
      Roger Fry

      Having practiced techniques of meditation over many years, although beneficial, for me I was relying on them to take me somewhere. Now i see this as still working from the level of the receiver. Working to achieve equivalence of form and Lishma makes so much sense.

    • #309057
      Dr Jim

      I have followed many paths without really being committed to arriving anywhere. I have accomplished many things and achieved nothing. My life has been one long drift without true direction or purpose. My goal is to have a goal, to tread a path with purpose, to evolve, change, transform to something better, to reach fulfilment and completion, wholeness. Plenty of desire, not much action and even less bestowal here, unfortunately.

      • #310670
        Don Taylor

        Wow Jim, Your reply really struck a chord with me. I too have a lot of accomplishments driven by wanting to be successful. I recognised that I was only able to achieve those accomplishments becuase God put the oppertunities infront of me. It is important to recognise it when it happens, seize the opportunity, and then express verbally your apprectiation and gratitude directly to God. Best wishes Jim

    • #308896
      Seeker of Wisdom

      To become more like the Creator. More of He and less of me. To further develop the point in the heart, and to Nourish it like a precious seed that will one day fully bloom.

    • #308887

      The goal is achieving equivalence of form with the Creator ❤️

    • #308876

      To understand who Am I? What Am I? What is my Purpose? To know that I Am a created being and a shattered part of Creation ❤️ To know the Creator and ask (again and again) ” ” What is the meaning of Life?” I ask this of the Creator. I ask this from other parts of myself as I connect with them in Love as Friends. To know that there is nothing other than the Creator ❤️😁


    • #308852

      My goal is to develop this point in the heart to become like the Creator.

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