Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

  • #37695

    Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 381 total)
  • Author
    • #284911
      Jonathan Hague

      Personal purpose and unfoldment through a natural sense of connection and focus on the subject matter – with a view to seizing the the fruits of labour to altruistic ends.

    • #284496
      Yvon Decelles

      My goal is to feel the presence of All, understand the inner working of all the realms and know/become what I was meant to be by creation.

    • #283512
      Richard Lively

      my goal is to become who I am.  Just like he said, I want to learn who, and what the creator actually is.  My guess is I am part of the creator as in actually part of the creator just unable to see.  There is none else beside him and the creator created all.  Therefore everything is the creator even me.

    • #283430

      Comenzar a conocerme  a mi mismo, y en consecuencia conocer al creador y a mi prójimo, poder sentir que somos un solo campo (There is None else besides Him). Esto llevaría a cumplir todos los demás objetivos finales de la Cabala: la creación de la semejanza de forma, la reunificación con el alma colectiva, la corrección del mundo.

    • #283112

      My goal is to attain the will to bestow to become one with the Creator and Creation.

    • #282922

      My goal is to discover who and what I am  And who and what the creator is . With this understanding  find joy and contentment in my life

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 381 total)
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