Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

  • #28805

    Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

Viewing 6 posts - 193 through 198 (of 662 total)
  • Author
    • #324548

      I wish for everyone to connect to their point in the heart ❤️

    • #323657

      I wish that we all find what we are looking for.

    • #323123

      Always bring love to our heart

    • #322130

      I wish development in their beliefs

    • #322005

      I wish everyone patience and wisdom, and bravery to look behind the curtain.

    • #321952
      Edward Taddei

      All paths before us are like branches of a tree predetermined. Our ego stears our path on that tree. Our ends are the same. We chose how high we go.

Viewing 6 posts - 193 through 198 (of 662 total)
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