Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 453 total)
  • Author
    • #329748

      Every thing in existence has the Creator making it so.

    • #329746

      By a desire to progress along the spiritual ladder for the benefit of others. (Not sure yet how that is going to pan out) and then it seems as if the creative force becomes part of me, where understanding and pleasure become the norm in increasing quantities that can only come from the creator.

      This reply shows how difficult it is for me to put into words an inner feeling in terms of the physical world I live in. Like my academic reports said, “must try harder” so ask me again at the end of the semester.

    • #329674

      I’m reminded of the words of Solomon throughout several verses of  his song. He, the Creator, is the only One I have eyes for. His desire is towards me, mine is towards Him. Every situation is an opportunity for me to see Him in it, no matter what it might look like in the natural.

    • #329669
      Dennis Ibrahim

      The life experience to some of us makes it as if the article ‘There is None Besides Him” was only written to give me answers at this point in time, shutting off many of the questions in the process

    • #329668

      The Creator is in everyone and everything.

    • #329667

      You can feel it because it is. Faith above reason.

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