Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 391 total)
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    • #314940

      By putting attaining the creator as the most important goal.

    • #314926

      The creator bestows everything. All is good. My misfortunes are for my own good, even if it does not seem like that from my point of view.

    • #314892

      By meditating on these words “There is none else besides Him”. A thing doesn’t make itself, hence everything is created!

    • #314815

      Everything is one system functioning currectly. I must become a part of this system so that I can precieve that way.

    • #314779

      Frightened to death!, as I am identified with the ego, going “but I am the creature!? there is none beside him, but I am here, beside him, I am not supposed to exist?” And than I remember I am in God as his creation, that feels a sort of ‘me’ in order to feel ‘the Creator’, who is otherway than me. Is there a creature, if none is beside him? Who or what is there to feel? And if there is nothing but his action, why are there ‘things to be belitteled, because they could not come from Creator’? And at this point I am led to switch in the Creator, wanting to see how ist that, being none beside me…

      This question comes miles to early for me. I am avoiding for years! right this moment, and its experience. And I am happy to find you guys, to make a start together allowing this thought to dive in me, that none else is beside him… It’s a process…

      • #314834

        Oh Clara 💞🤗 – would love to write something comforting but can’t; all I can do is absorb your words and send you a big, virtual hug 🤗

    • #314614

      By cultivating my intention to connect to that.  I’m finding that I desire to imagine/feel all around me and in my heart is the creator manifesting itself.

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