Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #414375

      The acceptance of the statement brings peace into your heart so you can look at things believing and on the end knowing that everything that exists and happens is the action of the Creator.

    • #414306

      I only have the feeling of the entire reality is the action of the Creator when i am in Nature, alone. The awe i feel  seen the harmony, the beauty and perfection of all . I feel part of it, from the worms to the stars…

    • #414303

      I can feel the Creator easily when i see the big picture, biology, astronomy, physics, even psychology…but is very difficult grasping the concept that he is behind my procrastination, my inability to  be better person.  That is a goal of my life, be an instrument of his goodness, but i end failing and doing what i do not want. Some days i feel hopeless… It is this feelings part of  His plan?

    • #413536

      We are both inside the Creator and He is inside of us, operating everything. How I feel it is according to my effort, do I ask for it to be revealed, to be felt in my heart?

    • #413520
      Leila Havran

      The statement alone brings utmost clarity and a profound sense of awe beyond imagination. It switches the perception of every little thing. Everything becomes connected like pieces of a mosaic finally coming together. It is an indescribable sense of ‘yearning’ for that coming together with the Creator.

    • #413485

      There is only One Source, and It has always existed. Everything that exists is created by It; thus, ALL  things work together for our good. Even the darkness, which as the contrast, emphasizes the Light.

      Reality is the reflection of The Light. Reality is my experience as Light. There is only Love & Love Becoming.

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