Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #413425

      While living within the confines of a man-made world, homes, cars, and buildings, it is often difficult to sense the sacred creation and creator.     Escaping to the natural world, even if only following my breath into my body, provides an escape to awe, wonder, gratitude, and worship.

      • #414304

        Hi Steve. I feel the same. Nature is where i can feel the Creator surrounding and living inside me. I feel as part of something bigger and beautiful and so good is impossible to describe.

    • #413395

      By constantly reminding myself that ‘there’s none else besides Him’.

    • #413223
      Silviu Victor

      It’s hard sometimes to feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator.

      • #413319

        It helps me to think about stories I’ve read or seen that are believable and relatable, where something seemingly horrible happened and it ended up being necessary for the best possible outcome. My very favorite storylines have a character who started out as the villain, and did horrible things and horrible things happened to them, but they changed as they went along and turned into the hero in the end. Sometimes the characters remind me of how I was or things I did when I was a teenager. When I look at people around me who didn’t go through anything like that when they were young they seem to be stuck in a thinner reality that’s boring to them and they feel aimless. It seems probable that the difficulties are the direct cause of what’s good about my life now. I think this might be true on a collective scale too.
        I try to think of those concepts when I’m trying to understand how I could 100% agree with this reality if I understood the underpinnings of it.

    • #413101

      The word that comes to mind is faith.  I used to think that I had faith, but I realize I don’t that I accept faith.  When I do, I feel a connection.

    • #413036

      Everything is connected, I see it in Nature, I feel i am part of my surroundings as trees, birds, ants, rocks, air, starts, clouds…I feel awe, love and a sense of being safe just here and now. I sense something bigger than my poor perception is developing . I cannot see it, but i feel it.

    • #412973

      I can start with an abstract visual. The whole vast Universe is a bubble of bestowal, and I am a speck of it.

      And the inner “universe” of my own awareness, and everything I think I perceive, is out of phase with reality because I have misallocated the causality my entire life. I have used logic and physical experience to try to identify causative factors in material reality, when none actually exist there. Everything is inverted. Time unfolds backwards from the ultimate goal. My reality is the photo negative of the real one. My reality completely ignored the one actually provable thing, which is that all I can really know in this physical world is that I exist.

      And for these reasons the Creator is only a tiny speck in my universe. Just a sneaking suspicious in the bottom of my heart that there’s something incredible that I don’t perceive and I have, as if, a genetic memory of Its existence.

      Now my job is to close the ven diagram of those two “universes.” I do this by increasing my perception of the truth, which is that all I see is an effect of the reality of bestowal. And every part of my perceived reality that I can reallocate, to the truth of the Creator’s bestowal, is added to that tiny point of perception of the real Universe in my heart. And that grows. And if I grow it enough it will eclipse my contrived reality completely. And then it will keep growing, because the real Universe is far greater than I can conceive of in my logic reality.

      So, now I must look at every single thing I have ever perceived and realize how it is inverted, and undo that in my understanding. And eventually, with the Creator’s help, I might begin to perceive what I can barely conceive of right now.

      • #413568

        I loved reading your perception of creator. I personally believe that creator is an UNKNOWABLE ESSENCE .
        we only can have faith through reflections of His/Hers ….

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