Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 452 total)
  • Author
    • #407305

      The creator is one . The creator is inside of man. He is the force with in

    • #406893
      Robert Levine

      I am the Creator’s creation.  How can I feel that I can create anything that is not His, apart from my desire?

    • #406565

      I understand and I am looking for the Creator in every action and movement of my day; yet, seeing the Creator in all reality is very far removed from my perception.  This requires a new world view.  I want this more than anything, but to this point I do not “feel” the entire reality is Giving and Beneficent.  I am trying!

    • #405083

      I can imagine the sensation by truly looking for the creator in everything and how reception and bestowal operate. I am open to it an gives me more self awareness and courage

    • #404648

      We must look for the Creator in everything, and ask for Him to reveal himself to us. There is just the Creator and the Creature, everything else is an illusion. Everything can be solved with the Creator, who loves us so much that he specially crafts each second of our reality just for us. When we come to connect with Him and perceive Him, then we will truly know there is none else besides Him…

    • #404622

      There is a contrast between light and dark.  This absence of light or “evil”, is not a power in itself.  The Creator fills the whole reality.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 452 total)
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