Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #221919

      Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?


      Everything is given to us, thus,He’s everywhere, he does everything.

    • #220331

      Close my eyes and breathe. Then open them and look around with a different psychological lens informed by spirituality.

    • #220184

      You can feel that every moment of reality is an action of the Creator by keeping him in your heart and on your mind all the time’

    • #220075
      Aaron Taggert

      If there is none else besides him, how can I not feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator? Some American Indians have a concept of the great No-Thing, all that is not:

      The Great Spirit is in all things:
      He is in the air we breathe.
      The Great Spirit is our father,
      but the Earth is our Mother.
      She nourishes us;
      that which we put into the ground
      she returns to us.

      The gnostic text of Thomas proclaims: “The Kingdom of God is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone. (When I am gone) Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift the/a stone and you will find me.”

      Every feeling is the action of the Creator. Every action is the feeling of the Creator. There is none else besides Him.

    • #219928
      Bonnie A. Bus

      As far as I can understand. We all are in the same law of nature and part of everything that exists. So the law of nature is also working in me as everything else.

    • #219927
      Theresa H

      I feel peace of mind I. That everything including my feelings and actions up to even now have and will continue to happen for a reason. I know God aka our creator has a plan for everything. My past and humanities past needed to happen for us to evolve from animals. I feel we still need to evolve some of our traits but it will happen like it’s suppose to happen in a natural balance.

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