Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #305852

      I expect to get a better understanding of what lies ahead

    • #305790
      twysted elegance

      I expect to the lesson to be an over view of Kabbalah, I desire to learn more.

    • #305651

      The video seems to be indicating a difference between thought systems, maybe, how things go in daily “normal” life which expects some kind of fixed or ordered destiny versus … something else.  😉  Through information/education/maturity we can discover ways to be in more control of our outcomes, rather than be controlled by outside forces.  That sounds good.  I would like that.

    • #305603

      My expectation is to gain insight into something that inherently makes sense but I can’t figure it out on my own.

      My expectation is that I will gain clarity as to what is real and not.

    • #305537

      I don’t “expect” anything actually.  I’m at a place of rebuilding. 2023 for me was the proverbial crash and burn of my former self. If it was a structure, it was destroyed and demolished. Currently, I have this nice empty space that I’m ready to build something on. So, this course is like Home Depot and I’m shopping for tools and materials in order to rebuild my new structure. And the instructors are like architects who will help me with my blueprint. I really have no expectations other than those of myself which is new learning. I can’t be who I used to be, so maybe this course will help me with my new “design”. Even if it doesn’t, I’ll come out with knowledge about Kaballah. And I know so very little about it. I’m a real beginner in this class.

    • #305532
      Joe Braun

      I expect to understand who I am and the source from which I come. I expect to understand why I strive for more.

      • #305556

        Thank you. I could really identify with your comment. My husband died 4 yrs ago and I have been thrown into a very desolate place. Searching for what now? and why? and who am I now? and how to fill and use wisely the rest of my life without sinking into a self-involved bog of false starts and emptiness. I hope this is not another false start and dead end.   I expect to find a teacher and  a  path out of this  barren landscape.

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