Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #304856
      Purity K

      It means  to care for others as we care for ourselves. We are connected in the desire to  receive in order to bestow.

    • #302754
      Tove Jo

      Che cambio percezione, attitudine di pensare a me stessa e i miei bisogni alla percezione degli altri e i loro bisogni prima di me stessa.

    • #302662

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>It means a shift of perception from seeing myself as a separate individual to seeing myself as a node in a system; a part of a collective.</p>
      If I am seeking similarity to the Creator and the others are as well then we are connected by that desire.

    • #302630

      To connect with others means that I have the same desire as others. What desire? The desire to reveal the Creator. To shift from an egoistic perception of the world to an altruistic perception means that I want the Creator to be revealed to the whole world.

    • #302611
      Marko Podgorsek

      I always think about it as if I moved outside of me to the sky and look down and see me as part of the population without any extra attention to the me part.
      If I receive in that state means that I don’t ‘forward’ the thing I receive, so everyone below me that I see will not get it.
      If, in the other hand, I receive from the higher in order to bestow to the lower, I become a channel and all that are below me will get it also, including my ego me.

    • #302606

      Q1: To connect with others means to connect mutually above the ego as one heart.

      Q2: We are connected mutually with the only desire to bestow like the Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 259 total)
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