Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #297101

      for  connection with others,  we need the desire to bestow , we need  other people to give  on,  share our love,  it  means that we  have to skip our egoism, must delete it, and loves the others  like myself.

      My desire is to be in connection with my Ten and with the Creator,  Our Creator  wants to bestow to his creatures,  He need us , we can receive from Him   if we accept  Him and then we can bestow to Him  , to make Him satisfided.

    • #297095

      To have a perception based on bestowal, one must have someone in mind to bestow to. There have to be others that one wishes to give to. In an ego-driven state of mind, one is happy to give to oneself only.

    • #297089
      Aaron Lessin

      To shift from a desire to receive out of self-interest to a desire to receive in order to give. This change in perception no longer sees the other as separate from my egoistic self, but rather as intimately connected. My “I” expands to include the others. Their desires and needs become mine. I learn to receive in order to fulfill the other, and in the process of doing so, I become like the Creator. This drastic shift in perception changes everything.

    • #297080

      From what I have learnt so far, it means to change ones intention to  recieve on behalf of someone else (to recieve in order to bestow and not for ones ego).   Love thy neighbour as thyself!

      By doing this, we can become spiritually closer to the creator through equivalence of form.



    • #297070
      David J

      To connect our main desire together to please the creator.

    • #296570
      Tatjana Ristanić

      To somehow exit my self, and feel desires of others

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 259 total)
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