Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #287864

      To connect to others means to connect to the whole of creation, seeing the whole as a tree with branches and bows above the line of site, and roots and networks below sight that make it all possible, from way below to way above. When we see how awesome Creation is, we just what to answer with our on contributions, no matter how small to begin with, and without expectation or calculation of returned pleasure. Then we will see we were mistaken when we saw two trees when there was only ever one Tree. Then we will fulfill our collective desire for one truth and one pleasure, to bestow.

    • #287802

      To connect with others. We must first annul ourselves  so we consider the other with higher regards than ourselves. (Only the lower can b impressed by the upper)   Truly the only desire important enough to (cover all crimes)  is the desire for spirituality   devkut with the creator

    • #287754

      To know that everything that happens in life is a blessing. There are no negatives only positive situations to evolve.

    • #287716
      Yvon Decelles

      I stop thinking about myself and start thinking about others

    • #287024
      Ali Nadalipour

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Connect together as little sparks to be more like the cratot light and feel it integrally</p>

    • #286976

      understanding we are all connected, connecting to others with the intention of giving , not receiving and with my desire to bestow to the upper force. The birth of my soul.

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