Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 155 total)
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    • #305460

      I am sure that the reality that surround us, is deeper on that we can see. I am looking forward for study this method and have the opportunity to understand the Laws of reality.

    • #305137
      Jesse Block

      I take comfort that it’s a common occourance to learn something and then there arise a need in one’s life to learn it all over again, but perhaps in a different way. This has been a common theme in my spiritual journey.

    • #305128


      This very notion that the whole know world is just an outcome of a hidden cause. I have heard it several times before but this time it shook me somehow.

    • #305040
      Leah Bergman

      When I first heard that Adam and Abraham wrote books, it blew my mind. The thought that we are that connected with the past is amazing. I am thoroughly enjoying the books that are part of this class.

    • #304910

      The interesting aspect of what I;ve learned so far, is that we humans are harmful creatures and this is why we are being separated from the rest of existence, the upper worlds. Just like the human legal system that puts people who are harmful to society behind the walls, separated from the rest, the creator has put us behind the barriers so we wouldn’t harm the rest of the worlds. It might look a little dark and cruel but as soon as we take a look at our situation as egoistic creatures, we realize it had to be done in order for us to realize our harmfulness to the nature. I think kabbalah is a method for humans to decrease the time they have to spend in the prison by speeding up the realization of this fact that we are interworld criminals. xD

      And for sure start to change our intentions and motives.

    • #304869

      what impressed me is that ther is an invisible world that is the cause of our visible universe.

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 155 total)
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