Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

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    • #389593

      Basically, I am inspired by all of this. And I truly mean that. I like the caterpillar video, with the imagery cells… and the fact that the creator reveals in the connection with others, and that the quality of this connection is to be one of natural love, harmony, and bestowal. Itś giving me peace of mind, because it just feels right.  The fact, that the vessels have been pulverized, and thus mixed that desire to receive with that to bestowal in each of us to a different degree, also gives me peace of mind, it just so makes sense, and I am thankful to learn all this, and get the chance to learn how to connect hopefully with others, who may have the same desire. It‘s beautiful to me in a deep way, and at the same time feels challenging, knowing we all contain the two different properties of egoism and altruism in us to balance out. This is most likely going to be an intense journey.

    • #387694
      Deborah Joplin

      So Far, learning Kabbalah’s principles and ideologies has given me new perspectives and viewpoints. I am a lifelong student of Scripture and I teach its concepts to young students. Kabbalah has given me new eyes with which to study and progress. It is both exciting and perplexing. In this lesson, I most enjoyed the illustration that the Creator is revealed in the “glue” between us. This fits well for me. I have begun to thank the Creator for every opportunity to connect with another person in a caring, bestowing way. It gives new meaning to the statement “As you have done unto the least of My people, so you have done unto me.” I am also beginning to experience the Reshimot within me. I have had the experience of feeling and reflecting the deep humiliation and anger inside of some strangers I interacted with. That was shocking, but I learned from it. Thank you for teaching.

    • #384694

      Hi Dear instructors: I have a few questions

      1. the soul shattered into pieces, are those pieces in different qualities to start with? if we use the 4 factors theory, each person as a seed, are there “bad seeds” to start with?

      2. is it predetermined who will go through the path of pain, who will go through the path of Kabbalah?

      3. will corrected souls have no emotions other than unlimited joy/pleasure?



    • #381829

      Learning from your videos in this new course has been a total game changer. Your teaching in the videos I’ve watched so far is amazing. You”re so calm and personable and im looking forward to the next week of studies! What inspired me from the lesson was you started speaking about ways to connect thru actions. It wasn’t just scholastic for me anymore. Having my thoughts remain, all day if willing, to have the kavannah that everything that I receive is not just for me; it’s for The Creator who wants nothing more to bestow the Light. And when you read Ba’al HaSulam in the video about how giving from man to man is more “important” for lack of a better word, than doing for/to The Creator because in all actuality the most important mitzvot is to love our neighbor as ourselves. All the rest is commentary…I believe Hillel said that. Lastly, is there ever a way to work with a teacher besides replying in the forums? On a more personal level. Thank you,

    • #381554

      I’m having a difficult time understanding the idea of dividing our sensing units in two.  Is there a practical example of it that I can get?

      Other than that, I loved the caterpillar video.  I want to be an imaginal cell!

    • #375985

      I feel that the videos and readings in this lesson propelled me toward a better understanding of Kabbalah and the importance of setting the right intentions to achieve the desired states of reception and bestowal. I’m eager to experience the connection aspect as that seems to be the way to annul oneself in a group setting while bestowing and receiving in order to reach equivalence of form with our Creator… My apologies if I’m not explaining this very well. There is so much to learn and contemplate.

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