Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

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    • #337073

      I hadn’t heard about the natural transition process before – birth, independence & war, cooperation & unity – and found it a great model of our human history/evolution and also personal development path. Provides a hopeful new way to view our current hyper-chaotic world state as an entry point to a new, higher state of global cooperation & unity. Let’s hope we don’t have to endure a prolonged bout of madness before we decide to get there! Nice to think our collective efforts in this course are already taking positive steps in the right direction! Thanks.

    • #334926

      It seems that the egoism that erupted in the time of Abraham, in order to start us on a new phase of evolution, has been causing problems ever since !  I m guessing that the new upsurge in levels of egoism right now is signalling that we are nearing the end of that phase?   And – it will only complete if we are able to make that step up, I m guessing to a new level of connection/AdamHaRishon.

      Einstien said we cant resolve a problem at the same level as the one where it was created.

      And I think Rav Leitman says its the Kabbalists who lead the way ?  Uho !

    • #334250

      I loved the caterpillar and butterfly video!

    • #331930

      Thank you Julian, you have just described me as a pencil lead! But you have also shed light on the possibility of becoming a diamond. I know that if you compress carbon with high energy a diamond will emerge. I don’t have much of a desire to be one of those sparkly ones, adorning some spoilt puppies collar. Far too precocious and visible. An industrial diamond, not pretty at all, but useful in all sorts of applications and indestructible  under most circumstances. A much better fit I think.

    • #327748

      Blessings to those sharing your wisdom and insights.

      I liked the analogy that problems create creativity, and should be regarded as a transition point, cited in the ‘Stunning Link between Caterpillar and Butterfly’. One may do well to remind themselves that there is no truth in the now when analysing one’s current life situation.

      Trust the process, we rise by lifting others, keep contributing to your/our own evolution.

      • #329780
        Jarrett Twaddle

        I value your insight, Phin.
        To be honest, that video filled me with anxiety… oddly, that New Life video series intro sometimes gets to me (that theremin, in particular), but this whole video gave me a feeling of impending doom.
        I understand on some level that there is a process unfolding that is above me, but I cannot help but to identify with the “workers/cells” in the analogy for my own, corporeal (work-related) reasons. Sometimes I feel like the world is collapsing around me, so this reminder you have given me I will keep close to my heart.
        Thank you for your existence, my friend.

    • #320621
      Ann Stephens

      The Kabbalists have broken this process down into tiny little steps to follow. Now if I can just find the first rung…

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