Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

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    • #370583

      It just feel so beautiful…

    • #366929

      It’s great to study kabbalah, it’s great to learn all these things. It’s like  a new age is coming. an age of life and existence taken to the maximum, where people can sit together ,feel themselves, live in peace and act freely.

      Now that kabbalah is taking over, the time has come for us to focus on human beings. It’s a time when we feel more encouraged to discuss, to open ourselves. What happened in the past must stay in the past. We now are part of a big role where all mankind is asked to take part in a circled system. Time has come for us to say goodbye to that old fashioned way of suffering.

      Let’s continue in our studies praying only for the world to join us in a journey of life that will never end.

    • #339316
      Steve Miley

      Once again, I really love the caterpillar video. I’m sure a lot of people say that but I’m really interested in getting a better grasp of how the creator lies in between humans in the space and in between please correct me if I’m wrong or that I got a feeling that that is going to come around and support other connections in the future

    • #339285
      Steve Miley

      That caterpillar video was really great. I love the allegory.

    • #338951

      The video from the Rab. In the section Related. Beautiful!

      Thank you


    • #337174

      I never could quite swallow or understand the fall of Babylon as it was taught to me as a child, and later as an adolescent in the religious school I attended. I gained a deeper, clearer understanding of Abraham. The analogy story of the caterpillar really gave a good representation of the whole world situation.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 48 total)
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