Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #293668
      Jonathan Hague

      I found the additional reading from “Awakening to Kabbalah” to be very moving. I could ‘feel’ the learning of the struggles and work of the Great Kabbalists throughout history, particularly Rav Laitman’s relationship with Rabash. These writings also put forward the acceptance of reincarnation in the transmission of Kabbalah across the illusion of time.

    • #287259
      Yvon Decelles

      It’s just ok to be egoist… 🤯

    • #286967

      Respecto a la historia del Zohar y del Minyan (el grupo de los 10) empleado por rab Shimón  bar yochai en la escritura del Zohar, libro que permaneció oculto hasta el siglo XIII, cuando fue hallado y reconstruido por Moshe de Leon, a quien se atribuye su autoria según algunos eruditos. Bnei Baruj (Baal haSulam) es verdaderamente único en fijar su real autoría y además la mecánica de funcionamiento del grupo de los 10, y emplearla de modo amplio para el desarrollo final de la humanidad.

    • #284396
      Richard Lively

      I am Surprised that Abraham is actually real.  In the  written torah its widely accepted that 5 schools wrote this book of Kabbalah (which makes sense).   So to discover hes an actual person, and nimrod are real, is very surprising.  It is said that when we attain the level of Abraham we can go back and know all he knows -Dr Rav Michael Leightman in his book “The Kabbalah Science and the Meaning of Life”  I am not sure what he meant by this but im looking forward to the journey to find out

    • #183235

      The way the ego has thwarted all previous attempts of creating a great life for everyone.

    • #126260

      What blew my mind was the video of the awakening and how so true it is. the only way to save our world is by correcting the ego and bestowal. Inside of me i knew this to be true. Also the term ´´ force of Arut´´ which each member has to the other  in the grup of 10 made me think more of the responsibility and seriousness of being in a group.

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