Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37686

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #311206

      “There is none else beside Him” – To learn this is not something to believe, but something to discover for oneself – to put in practice this week by practicing relating everything to One Force rather than many – to ‘see’ this for myself – to make this a habit – to make this awareness ‘normal’ to me through practice – to remind myself and cleave to this –

    • #308952
      Jo Fakour

      So different from what I was raised to believe (Satan and his evil spirits).  A lot of new concepts.

    • #307874

      There is none else besides the Creator.  I cannot fathom the level reached by Baal ha Sulaam that he can reach such an incredible insight and then be willing to share that with others like myself who are nowhere near where he was. I understand this to mean that the Creator provides the light but it is what happens when the light strikes me.  What do I do with the light?

    • #307806

      According to the dates on this discussion forum I was in a state of resistance. It blows my mind that I sense a knowing that all this is Truth; that I know There is None Else Besides Him. Even still, I must go through the corrections and learn this in this lifetime. Even in darkness and the darkest times of my life I sensed that Creator was everything. My purpose unfolds according to the Law of there is None Else Besides Him. It was just yesterday, however I experienced situations in my everyday life where I felt it is impossible for me to attain the goal of ascension through intention to bring contentment to the Creator. Watching the lesson today I now truly believe I’m in the action of prayer with the proper intention and this dispair will pass into he next phase of correction. I am grateful! Thank you so much for all you are and all you do!

    • #307801

      I already shared that I don’t remember how Kabbalah came into my life few weeks ago. I don’t remember if I was watching a video and something related to Kabbalah appeared, or Facebook (that I use so few minutes per week… Anyway, I found this guy in Mexico offering courses and “ceremonies”. He didn’t convince me, but I googled and I found KabU.

      This week’s teachings have made me feel that having found KabU and it’s courses is because the Force of Nature send it to me. And the first act of my willing to receive as a “conscious in progress to become a kli” is to acknowledge this, and use this courses for “His” benefit.

    • #307711

      Thank you it is powerful


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