Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #320743

      I recall hearing about “the screen” during my first studies at Bnei Baruch back in 2009 but I didn’t quite understand its relevance. Each of our five senses is really a “screen” that rejects the inverse of what we wish to perceive with them. I suppose then that a spiritual screen should reject the pleasure of reception and allow the the flow of bestowal as opposed to terminating bestowal with the death of that pleasure. I also suppose that working with pleasure is much more preferable than working with pain. 😉

      Thank you!

    • #320541

      This week’s topic REALLY accomplished its mission: “…to find out how we perceive reality, to better understand how we can transcend the limited and sometimes unpleasant perception we currently experience and enter “reality’s control room.”

      MANY thanks to KabU for revealing & sharing the “wisdom of kabbalah,” with the general public!

      Blessings from Cancún, México. Shalom!

    • #320529

      The notion of our capacity to perceive subjective reality, allows the possibity for correcting its parameters, in order to perceive another subjective reality, aiming to attaining equivalence of form with the Upper Force’s, Thought of Creation!

      Again, MANY thanks to KabU for revealing the kabbalah’s wisdom, to ALL of mankind.

      Shalom & best wishes from Cancún, México.

    • #320468

      I felt a shift in my perception of reality after this lesson. Makes me feel more responsible for my own personal reality.

    • #318122
      Sylvie Bélanger

      By changing the perception of my reality, what use to interest me has lost interest.  My energy rise up, I am more in connected to my heart.

    • #316581

      Here are some reflections from reading the Course books.

      There is just One Fact, One Reality – The Creator.  He IS.  I AM only THAT which He IS.  There is nothing else to BE.  This is not at all an ego trip.  This is just the Truth of what we all are.  He Created after His own Likeness, and I AM THAT.  He is Eternal, Boundless, the ONE Life in all Life.  I AM THAT Life.  This ONE created an Infinity of Unities, Wholes exactly like Itself, Eternal, Boundless, full of all possibilities.  And I AM THAT.

      In Eternity, there is no space, and there is no time, there is just NOW.  Sequences of unfolding, step-by-step experiences, like climbing the Ladder of 125 steps of Spiritual growth, is just a way of increasing our Appreciation of the Creator’s Gift of Eternal Life.  There is no Actual Spiritual growth in Eternity.  In Eternity, It’s already a Fact, as I AM THAT which the Creator IS, A Perfect, Complete Creation, in His exact likeness.  Not in space/time, but NOW.  The creation of the illusion of space/time/limitation is only for the Purpose of increasing our appreciation of the unfathomable Gift of our lives.

      Living in this seeming world of bounded forms, of limitations on every side, of a seeming world, “out there”, that seems to be in dire straights, heading for catastrophe – moving the Awareness from here to this Eternal NOW, is pure Bliss.  This Kabbalah teaching, the great Kabbalah books, and these wonderful Kabbalah Teachers are a tremendous help in allowing this shift from space/time/limitation – to the One Fact in Eternity, and to Know that I AM THAT.

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