Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 120 total)
  • Author
    • #316357
      Ann Stephens

      The idea of being able to develop the sixth sense simply by a change in intention is…intriguing.

    • #315775

      I am contemplating the concepts concerning reality. I can see that what I have thought to be reality is what makes me comfortable.  I thought it interesting that AI has the attention of so many, yet it is limited by quantity of outcomes that are really limited. I am thankful for the enlightenment and look forward to our next experience.


    • #315603

      that we are completely disconnected from what we are and our essence which should be the first thing that we should be aware of if we want to become, now i know why we suffer

      • #315683
        Julius Lindeberg

        No point in me writing as you formulated the same thoughts as I had. I am thankful for a deeper narrative concerning suffering that might be opening up as the studies continue.

    • #315431

      I’m starting to read the library, and this is totally different than what I thought it was. It’s fascinating, and I wonder if Ill ever be able to do something like this. Im excited to move forward! i also wish i knew hebrew as i can see theres so much i wont be able to access

    • #315394

      In week two, I’ve started looking at situations & asking myself “I wonder what’s behind that, what caused it? ”

      I m noticing that I m questioning how my thoughts/feelings influence small events in my life, & that is present in how I listen to others, too.

      I m also noticing that when I’ve tried talking about the Kabbalah to others, how nearly everyone knows best, & I m guessing that its a rare treasure when someone is able to hear & then discuss what comes up. I like to try, as it shows me where I’ve learned something & where I can’t explain is also helpful – that’s what has yet to drop in.

      I m also REALLY enjoying Tony’s brilliant , (& thank heavens – funny) videos. It makes so much difference to how the mind responds to what is, after all, not so easy!

    • #315185

      My new perspective about reality: when we look at an apple, we are not seeing the object itself, but the light the apple rejected. When we say the apple is red, we are not really describing anything but our own perception based on rejected light. The apple’s real color is  something other than red. So obviously, What The Bleep Do We Know?

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 120 total)
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