Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 120 total)
  • Author
    • #310345

      I am amazed that there is a preception beyond my 5 senses that I look forwar to connecting with,

    • #308898
      Lora Vatalaro

      I found a myriad of things from week two to be stimulating, intriguing and inspiring.  One that I’m thinking about most is the teaching about the purpose of suffering.  It shifted my intention from, “I’ve got to figure out why this suffering is in my life so that then I can control things and make the suffering go away,” to—“If I can figure out why this suffering is in my life, I can learn what there is to learn from it.”

    • #308160
      William Taylor

      Reshimot it keeps repeating these records. I don’t know how to stop reacting to them. For example I try to quit smoking I leave it or throw it in the trash and later or the next day I dig it back out. Is this what I’m thinking it is whatever it is it is something I feel separates me from our Abba. I am not sure how to deal with this it seems as if it is a character flaw extremely hard to overcome. Can you help me understand it’s not only with that one particular problem is with all my flaws

    • #306589
      John Caton

      I loved Tony’s video regarding simulation. I’ve heard the comparison of life and game simulation/VR increasingly in the past couple of years. In my heart I haven’t believed, but I have been unable to counter it. This video provided the counter-arguments I couldn’t muster. True, they probably benefit me more so than anyone I would argue with, so selfishly I’ll likely keep them to myself as there’s little benefit from arguing anyway.

    • #305951
      Juan Londono

      The reading material was really beautiful ❤️

    • #305765

      I had heard the comment “your perception is your reality” for many years. This week I came to understand the true meaning.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 120 total)
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