Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 120 total)
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    • #315179

      Today I read in “Kabbalah revealed” up to Figure 4 focusing “on Malchut’s inner structure, showing that it’s the source of all the spiritual worlds as well as the corporeal world” and this really struck me insofar as it seemed to tell that Keter is at the very center of even a stone for example. If this really is so, it’s truly fantastic.

      • #315186

        Which would imply that even stones “speak” in the peculiar language of stones.

    • #312138

      I’m intrigued by the teaching that we must learn to hate the ego and the will to receive to break our current self (not sure if I’m describing it correctly.) And I also get the feeling that the self we’re trying to create is a somewhat enlightened one and the path to it is an evolutionary process, each change we create is the cornerstone for the next one. Kind of a forced change of reality. Unless I’m understanding it wrongly. The main reason this blew my mind is because I was told very similar in a series of dream/visions more than a year ago, but I didn’t know how to do it or if it was actually something I should focus on. These things I summarized in my journal and forgot them until I started learning about Kabbalah. I feel amazed, but somewhat disappointed in myself for taking so long to discover all of this wisdom here

    • #312137
      Peter Bradshaw

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>I know we are being taught the truth by Kabulah,looking forward so much to the revelations waiting for me to use for the good of mankind.</p>

    • #311845

      The notion that “reality” doesn’t really exist and that it’s just a summation of how we perceive the information we get from our five senses is something that I’ll be chewing on for months, I’m sure.

    • #311622
      Sonjia Coley

      The explanation of the radio receiving all the sound that exists in the world. But not making the sound.

    • #311468

      That we are controlled by forces we cannot perceive.  I read scholars talk about how we need to revamp the entire criminal justice system because there really is no free will.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 120 total)
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