Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 114 total)
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    • #300518

      the book perceiving The Creator It’s a Wonderful book and I read the chapters many times to be able to grasp there’s a lot of valuable information on there

    • #300515

      I find the reading material it’s very helpful to be able to understand but there’s a lot of question. my mind is that we have to take on the mentality of God to think how he thinks feel what he feels and little by little I’m beginning to understand more

    • #297915

      I would say the whole thing about Kelim and how they affect the perception of reality.

    • #297680

      The fact that every action of us every moment and all our life  is ultimately tuned  only Receive is something I never thought  of and realized only after learning it here.


      Also the breakdown of every  our desires  into  phases like 1. Food,shelter,sex, 2. Wealth 3. Power 4. Knowledge and 5. Spiritualiy is very useful to understand the motive behind our every action.

    • #297636

      I feel my 5 senses have been enhanced by relearning the about them with the interact section.  It was almost like they were turned off lol.

    • #297333

      The reality that blows my mind is that we are built to receive.  Now I finally understand the selfish nature of the human raise.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 114 total)
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