Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 352 total)
  • Author
    • #218985
      Sol Belo

      I Return for review of the lesson

    • #218950

      Looking to learn more about the upper worlds ..

    • #218923

      I’ve read various references to Kabbalah over the years but never took a closer look until now. I’m so glad that I did. I’ve been looking for this all my life but never recognized it until now.

      Tony Rockel

    • #190137

      I discovered Kabbalah through a Youtube video by Tony Kosinec a few years ago. It took me till this year when I became serious about wanting to know what the purpose of life is, what is the meaning of my life? I found KabU signed up and I want to learn how to become similar to the Creator, how to change my Will to Receive into the Will to bestow, and learn about this World and the Upper Worlds. What I hope to gain from this class is to have a better understanding of what the Blueprint of Creation is according to Kabbalah.

    • #189899

      Being blown away by Rav Laitman’s teaching and books, I wanted to get out of just “lecture mode” and into the “laboratory,” and begin to put into practice these principles with others.  Being invited into a Ten starts here, so here I am.  😉  Thank you to everyone who puts these classes together and those who participate!

    • #189819

      I was first introduced to the study of Kabbalah, from my father sometime around the year 2003. He handed me a book with a yellow shiny cover about 80 or so pages which was the introduction to Kabbalah written by Rav Liatman. I read the book somewhere around the age of 15 or so and had answers in the book that I cannot relay to you, because it was a feeling. I went on their website and saw some short cartoons so to speak, one specifically that spoke to my heart was the one narrated by Tony called the “Host and the Guest.” (Can you send a link of this video, I cant find it in your archive)  As Rav says I need a 10 so I have joined this course with a goal of finding a 10, so that I can work with them, and learn to build a spiritual vessel so that we can, together, reach equivalence of form with nature. I wish everyone success and continued enlightenment and support throughout this course!

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 352 total)
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