What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 229 through 234 (of 344 total)
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    • #52029

      1. Kabbalah has nothing to do with mysticism, magic or so many other types of knowledge in the world.

      2. Idea that the world and other upper worlds have similarities and correspondences even though the higher worlds are much more refined.

      3. How evil the ego is and the need to handle it wisely.

      4. And much more.

    • #52023
      Meli Miel

      A new perception of my life.

    • #52022
      Ed Mereoară

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>It feels all the information Kabbalah is explaining are relating to my imagination about our life. Question, is our brain capable to grasp and make a transaction to different world?</p>

    • #52021
      Ed Mereoară

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I am glad I found some posts about Kabbalah which I took interest in. And I feel it is lot more for me to discover about Kabbalah, that is new for me but the point in the heart is driving me towards correction.</p>

    • #51490
      Bio Dhya

      The material world must be used and transformed

    • #51205

      I discovered that it is in fact a scientific method for studying the spiritual world.

Viewing 6 posts - 229 through 234 (of 344 total)
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