What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 223 through 228 (of 333 total)
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    • #51205

      I discovered that it is in fact a scientific method for studying the spiritual world.

    • #51134

      de kracht van de natuur ; het Goddelijk Licht en de verbrijzelde ziel dat was nieuw en dat we moeten proberen terug to de éne ziel te komen verbinding met anderen

    • #51133

      de kracht van de natuur ; het Goddelijk Licht en de verbrijzelde ziel dat was nieuw en dat we moeten proberen terug to de éne ziel te komen verbinding met anderen

    • #50826

      The different worlds above and the purpose to climb the ladder back to origination, as well as the purpose of all earthly things being created as vessels to receive the light in order to satisfy the creators intention

    • #50405

      Kabbalah is everything, Kabbalah is the out most humanity. Everything within and surroundings.

    • #50218
      Sifiso Mpongose

      My perception of reality has changed, knowing that my Creator loves and gives me light, and has the desire to delight me. Having a screen that is my 6th sense helps, when the other five can’t even comprehend what’s reality or illusion. Now I know that the Creator can never reject me or cause me to suffer, its all about expansion, correction and creating another vessel to bestow light back at him.

Viewing 6 posts - 223 through 228 (of 333 total)
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