What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #53354

      A verry logical explanation of the condition of ego. I understand now the parable of Adam and eve. And the snake who tempted Eve. Before the action they where in a state of godlike bliss. Not here or somewhere else. Not in the past future but in the infinite now. By eating from the tree of knowledge they got a mind an ego if you will. They where not in the now anymore. Because  knowledge creates cunningness. But seldom kindness.since its the way of the heart. Fell away from God’s bliss. The serpent is the ego of man at a basic level the feminin side. Not good or bad . The need to survive. Natural needs. Eat shelter etc.. Moses raised the serpent in the wilderness as a symbol for rising up the ego above the crowd. To show man has to overcome his or her ego by doing something for others.acts  that become greater than his self. The serpent stands for the needs of all the plan God had for his people. To please the lord. Crucifixion for example is death of the old rebirth of the new. Transformation. The ego must transform in something more sophisticated without throwing it away. It is our survival. Feeding shelter mating. Snake is part of creation. We have to learn to gain self controle and awareness to please God.

    • #53275
      Norma Schmepp

      That you can study Kabbala with religion or no religion.

    • #53270

      The 5 upper worlds. I knew there was at least a 🌍 world between us but not 5.

    • #53151

      “Roots and Branches” makes sense, and i like its real world practicality

    • #52986
      Patty kitchens

      Will we all learn the correction through kabbalah University of what is right within ourselves and how to help people to understand you and the universe. Some of us don’t understand anything that has been taught to us correctly. They believe the media and the media is all wrong.

    • #52563

      Better understanding prayer.

Viewing 6 posts - 223 through 228 (of 344 total)
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