What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 344 total)
  • Author
    • #54667
      Sixela Melendez

      I have discovered that is not a religion and the correct way to pray.

      Kabbalah just confirms that there is something more…a higher wisdom in a practical way.

    • #54249
      Vishwa Sathya

      Kabbalah is not religion, mystism, healing, reiki, and everything that I thought was spiritual and beyond the human realm. Hence needless to say my curiosity to know when kabbalah is !

    • #54190
      Corey E.

      I actually started this course in 2017 , but stopped as it was overwhelming at that time.  I am amazed now by how truly comfortable I am in receiving this information about the science of Kabbalah, understanding of egoism, and the “way” to pray if I wish to transcend into the upper worlds toward the Creator.

    • #53929
      Mauricio Ruiz

      change my nature instinct to be active to external situacion and be more pro-active couse more happiness in the long run

    • #53902

      I now have more questions i my head than when i got here!!! Interessting. it wasn´t what i was expecting.

    • #53503
      Ramsey Ntombela

      I had thought that Kabbalah is an exclusively Jewish mystical religion. I have discovered that anyone can study and attain wisdom through Kabbalah.

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 344 total)
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