What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 344 total)
  • Author
    • #381528

      I understand that, my ego is the cause of all my troubles. Getting rid of it will be if tremendous help to my spiritual growth..

    • #379480
      Marco Soranno

      My approach to Kabbalah is really excellent, because I am freeing myself from the religious attitude that has conditioned my serenity for years. I seek in Kabbalah as a science the answer to knowing how to receive, knowing how to give, knowing how to understand and listen to be connected with HaShem in a concrete way.

    • #379443
      Renata Klem

      Through altruism, we can transform ourselves internally and strive to be like the Creator.

    • #378876

      What have I discovered?  Wow!  I’ve held the belief that I need to get rid of my ego to be happy.  Now that idea is busted and my mind is working overtime to figure out how am I going to let go of old ways.  How do  I adjust to those negative things that hurt into a healthy reception idea.  Game changer!

    • #378784

      Kabbalah exists apart from all religion and any philosophy. Kabbalah means to receive. With prayer it’s the intention of the heart that matters, not the words. Prayer is meant to affect the receiver, not the giver. Giving and receiving are the same thing.

    • #378694

      It’s a science that can be tested and has predictable outcomes.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 344 total)
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