What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #371136

      The best experience was the sudden revelation of insight into how the creator/artist inserts his intentions and emotions in his work and desires to see the user enjoy his work and, through his work, discover his emotions and intentions. I could connect with this idea based on my own daily life.

    • #370827
      Jason Smith

      my experience with the previous course was tainted by the requirement to complete 100% of the course before being able to access other course materials. i guess it was a lesson in the lack of free will. i am hoping this course will explain more about where the mechanism for that degree of freedom resides.

    • #370753

      If you mean by best experience as an excellent one, I have to be honest and say that I really didn’t have one per se. Where I found myself after the course was completed was in an overwhelmed space even though i thought that I paced myself so as to better process all the teachings.  If you mean by best as being most effective then I will have to say that the feeling of saturation is one of the things I need to work with.

      I don’t have any expectations other than this course will reveal more.

    • #370573

      I think the best experience for me from the previous course was learning that there are a lot of other people in the world who share a similar desire to know why we are here and learning about our Creator.

      For this course, I hope to gain a deeper level of connection and understanding of Kabbalah in order to apply what I am learning to my everyday life: thoughts and actions.

    • #370444
      Solomon Cates

      Learning about the KLI and connecting to God.

    • #370386

      My best experience was the connection part. It changed things. I would like to deepen my understanding and experience, especially on the connection. Thank you.

Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 620 total)
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