What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 619 total)
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    • #421918

      Course # 1 was an eye opener to the spiritual world of roots. I wish to deepen my spiritual understanding of the 99% world and also connect deeper with my fellow knowledge-seekers.

    • #421869
      Mathieu DANHO

      Dear Instructor,


      My best experience is that I have started to comprehend many things about Kabbalah.

      I understand why the voice that spoke to me told me :” you are 43, you must learn Kabbalah” . I did not understand the purpose and real meaning of those visions I have been getting since 13 years.

      Now I have started comprehend their meaning step by step. I keep quite meditating on them. Also, I started to understand the profound secret of the law of equivalence of form. I understand this is the final goal. I understand I have no choice when I heard the voice saying to me : “You will feel a deep peace”

      I know I am on the right path. I feel myself dwelling in the innermost spirit of kabbalah. It is an obligation for me and I have no choice. I am very happy. It will be a pleasure to get a special coaching for each course lead me to visions. Having more than 6000 visions in 13 years, I need help to be more confident and grow. I think I need seriously help.


      Thank you.


    • #421750
      Harry Black

      To invite the light into my heart to be transformed into the mode of bestowal.

    • #420615

      To go even deeper in the Wisdom of Kabbalah

    • #420488

      Learn to apply these teachings to my life

    • #420385

      extend myself further

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 619 total)
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