What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 620 total)
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    • #319510

      best- learning about prayer and connection

      expect – to continue to learn and connect with others learning

    • #319101
      Larunce Pipkin

      The previous course I believe started building a solid foundation for what I am sure is going to be, and already has begun, a new way of living thinking, and becoming.  While I have no expectations, I am hoping for more of the same eye-opening bit of knowledge.

    • #318665

      The previous course explained the paths of development very clearly.  This beginning knowledge gave me a better understanding of what has happened in my life. With the next course, I look forward to continuing my journey to broaden my ability to re-connect with Creation.

    • #318335

      My best experience from the previous course is deepening my day-by-day, even minute-by-minute Awareness of the Creator’s Infinite Love and Presence in my life.

    • #318297

      Understanding that actually achieving the quality of bestowal in intention is entirely possible.  In this course, getting closer to doing the actual work of correction.

    • #318272
      Dustin Caldwell

      My best experience from the previous course was learning about the two paths of development. I definitely feel that I have experienced both, and it is very relieving to have some understanding as to why this happens and know that it’s normal, and a sign of progress.

      In this course, I want to learn to better understand how to cleave to the Creator and develop in a more grounded and efficient way.

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 620 total)
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