What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #317350

      A deeper understanding  of the Spiritual Principles of Receiving and Giving.

      As for the course, I have no expectations.  I’m an open vessel ready to align with the Spiritual  Laws for the Purpose for my life.

    • #317339

      My best experience was feeling part of a group of enlightened people moving towards the wellbeing of us all.

      I do expect of progressing in knowing how to make a difference.

    • #317295
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      still wondering to discover more and more about reality

    • #316761

      my best experience was the experience itself 🙂
      the spiritual connection that i’m gaining bit by bit
      my feeling of loneliness no matter how many people i’d be surrounded by have disappeared by attaining the idea that i live in his thought, in him. it never made me feel closer. it makes me emotional, shy and safe no matter what would happen to me. and i’m next to all my brothers and sisters that are trying to find their ways through with or without consciousness, it makes me contemplate and see a bigger picture for everything that is going on
      i am longing
      and he is watching
      and i love it
      i love every bit of it

    • #316687

      I really enjoyed everything from the last course. I feel that I have grown spiritually already and I’m eager to learn more.

    • #316604

      I got hooked on the thought of creation and expect this to continue.

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