What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Viewing 6 posts - 325 through 330 (of 620 total)
  • Author
    • #317679
      Julius Lindeberg

      The best experience was to look at the basic principles of cosmos with fresh eyes. I expect to dive deeper on this one, to get a sense of the deeper meaning of life.

    • #317665
      Tammy McHenry

      Listening to the teachers creatively express the same information/material in different ways to come to the same point.

      I expect this course to help build an even stronger desire that pushes for further comprehension and expansion toward the attainment of the goal.

    • #317642

      On reflection I am enjoying the process of keeping an open mind and trusting the journey.  the desire to grow spiritually is what has me here, after that I am trying to let go of old ideas.  connection and unity is everything.

    • #317618

      My experience was being able to understand the basic principles. Now I’m open and ready to go deeper and I’m so looking forward to learn more with Tony, Michelle and the KabU team.

    • #317390
      Peter Hjorth

      My best experience was the many “ahaaa” moments I got just to be a little confused again later only to get the “ahaaa” moment again 🙂
      I hope to dive deeper into the wisdom and to have more moments of joy and come closer to knowing myself, the wisdom, the principles and moving towards attainment of the first step

    • #317380

      I really enjoyed Tony’s videos, and the huge amount of extra materials to dive into.  Also the interactive program.  Its fascinating to read the many different ways my fellow participants look at it all, too.

      I don’t have any expectations of anything in particular. I know that Kabbalah has been around for thousands of years, and a dedicated group has been adding to the breadth of study all that time. So – there is everything to learn !

Viewing 6 posts - 325 through 330 (of 620 total)
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