What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Viewing 6 posts - 403 through 408 (of 619 total)
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    • #306021

      My best experience from the previous course was learning about the law of equivalence of form. Helped me understand what direction I needed to focus my attention on. I expect to have a greater understanding & become closer to The Creator after this course. My only complaint is I wish I Could start the course immediately!

    • #306013

      Hello my name is Salvatore. I am excited about this course. I am searching for truth and to understand the Creator more.

    • #305874

      From the last course there is hope. Hope that there’s more to life than this absurdity we think of as reality. My expectation is that I will now know how to experience objective reality

    • #305818
      hamilton de sousa

      My best experience from the previous course was to revealed some of the forces that as been hidden from me but I always felt their influence on my. Now I fell more connected with the forces of natura and their guidance. I hope for the nest course I will continuo the journey and fell even more connected with forces of nature.

    • #305761

      Es excelente, me gustó mucho, impaciente por avanzar. Muchas gracias.

    • #305595

      Kabbalah Reveals part 1 was a life changer for me. And I am continuing the course, because I want deeper.

Viewing 6 posts - 403 through 408 (of 619 total)
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