What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #307554

      From the perspective of doing the coursework, the recommended readings are great. I have experienced a few “aha” moments, and many moments where I felt hope and appreciation while reading.

      From the perspective of practical application, learning about the left, right, and middle lines have been extremely helpful. During times when I experience unpleasant feelings of fear, anxiety, and sadness, I am learning that they are a reminder for me to evaluate my intentions and to make the effort to change my intentions. Often, I begin to feel a sense of being “OK” as I realize that I am filled with delight by the Creator. Finally, I become aware of both the lack and the filling of delight simultaneously, which gives me a deep sense of gratitude for the process of spiritual development.

    • #307405

      My best experience is that I started dreaming with what I was learning in the course.

      What I expect from this course is what it was mentioned about starting “the practice”. To be able to start studying Kabbalah in a community, in this “good environment”; to start connecting. I already identify with the comments of my fellow students. It feels so good to know we might had been “lost sparks”, but we will be able to join soon… 🙂

    • #307386
      Dr Jim

      It has taken me a lifetime of forked paths, cul-de-sacs and false dawns to reach this ‘point’ (which KR1 made me recognise has always been here).

      I expect to learn how to proceed in changing my intention and begin to do so.

    • #307372

      I found it comforting to have the videos available to watch.  I’m still struggling with doubts some days, but other days I feel profoundly that the teachings are real.  It’s nice to have a sense of community.

    • #307361

      Learning how to the reading of the Torah was my best experience of the previous course.

    • #307308
      Juan Londono

      Definitely joining the live Q&A and meeting others learning about this with me

Viewing 6 posts - 391 through 396 (of 619 total)
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