What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 235 through 240 (of 302 total)
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    • #286921

      the previous course (as all the other courses of  KabU) seems very carefully prepared.

      I expect the same from this one

    • #286656
      Yvon Decelles

      The live question period was my highlight. Thanks Julian.

      im hoping for more interaction in the future.

    • #286621

      I learned that we live in a world of outcome, consequences – unlike a world of causes.

      Expect from this course to understand these things more deeply.

    • #286091
      dree monster

      im changing alot and i expect to continue evolve

    • #285922

      En el curso anterior hemos adquirido bases teóricas que nos han golpeado el cerebro y el corazón, con énfasis en el amor al prójimo y la Unidad del Creador (no hay nada más aparte de El)
      Siento que la meta es tan alta, es tan asombrosa que todavía, desde este mundo sin brillo, parece como una niebla difusa. Afortunadamente llegamos acá convocados por la cabalá, estamos siendo llevados gentilmente de la mano por la sabiduría milenaria transmitida por expertos de cada generacion, la luz que reforma nos transforma sin darnos cuenta, hasta que ! Ojalá pronto! en algún momento estaremos instalados en los escalones del mundo superior.

    • #285203

      Understanding that changing my intentions is quite a challenge, but I know eventually with connection to others in Kabu and using this passion of desire to change my will to receive to bestow.

Viewing 6 posts - 235 through 240 (of 302 total)
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