What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 447 total)
  • Author
    • #385918

      understanding the basics of the wisdom

    • #385509
      Deborah Joplin

      My best experience form the previous course was receiving a deeper understanding of the knowledge I have been attaining over the course of my life. Kabbalah has made everything make sense. It has clarified many things that I have suspected and opened my eyes to a new peace, joy, and excitement that are independent of circumstances in this world.

      I expect this course to help me make significant progress in the experience of the 1st and 2nd Revelations. Shamati has been speaking about prayer and understanding our need. I want to understand the shadow of Kedusha and learn to connect with the Creator and gain the awareness of the Reforming Light at work within me.

    • #383910
      Spencer Davillier

      I Am Very Thankful To Learn That I Have To Fix Myself To Fix The World. Because I’ve Been Wanting To Change The World For The Better, I Just Didn’t Know How.

    • #383839
      Edward Onyango

      The insights and awakening of a new reality through the study. I hope to have a deeper dive into the practical aspects of my spiritual growth and to hasten my attainment of my purpose as designed by the Creator.

    • #383590

      – finding people who share the same path, a deeper understanding of life as a whole, an enriched spiritual life, and finding answers to long held questions
      – the fundamentals and basics of the wisdom

    • #383533

      My best experience was to have the notion that all the events in life are designed or predetermined by an upper force, to allow us get closer to nature.

      I expect more practical exercises to get a better picture on what means to connect with the upper force or nature.


Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 447 total)
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