What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #336092

      I loved understanding that I’m not failing when my egoistic desires overtake me. That’s how I was built. I also loved learning that there is a way to overcome this!

    • #335480
      Varda kahalany

      Everything in Kabu is my best experience. It is very different then all my other ‘spiritual’ experiences and since I started learning here I do not feel so much the need to listen\search\follow other paths, which in my case is pretty puzzling since I am researching spirituality since I remember myself ……

      I am looking forward this course with great anticipation and curiosity, for whatever it will bring.

    • #334715
      Esther Benzaquen

      My best experience in the previous course was understanding that connecting with the Creator is possible. Of course, through love between human beings.

    • #334402
      Jack Davidsen

      I think the best thing about the first 10 weeks of study for me is very egoistic, but, I think, in a good way: I really feel I began to break through the hold my ego has on me, in ways that I haven’t previously experienced. I expect to learn wonderful things in the time to come and to transcend further. I do hope to learn a few more “tricks” about how to deal with an ego that uses my heavy PTSD against me.

      Most of all I am looking forward to the week when we will use what we have learned to connect in practice, a first taste of what people do in a Ten (a minion or group of people who practice Kabbalah together in real time).

      I know we are in good hands here. 🙂

    • #334193
      Mel Farrell

      Hearing that there is a method to rise above the ego

    • #334137

      Like my fellow s on this journey, “There is none else but Him”, is a huge shift for me, that has changed how I understand the events that happen in my life. It allows me to receive the wonder around me in the most ordinary things.  And when I see that things have come to me deliberately, I look for the lesson, which is a more healthy reaction  than getting annoyed or upset was.

      The other thing was how I began to view my interactions with people differently, and I look forward, in the coming course,  to growing in how to do this with more awareness & consistency.  Its gonna be a great ride, guys, I look forward to sharing it with you all !

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