What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 447 total)
  • Author
    • #383371
      Francois Bernard

      Get an extra tool much needed… understanding, I mean really understanding what the ego is… because I consider it a plague…

    • #383143
      Anupam Sen Gupta

      That I am and the Creator, is One Entity. I want to practical applications. Thanks

    • #382952

      I hope to learn applying Kabbalah knowledge into earthy life.

    • #382920

      From the previous course I grew so much. I see things in a better way now. It’s as if something was activated.

      I appreciate life more because I have an idea of what might be possibly going on, though not all the way through. I learnt that true freedom is not independence rather interdependence. I saw how I am nothing without my fellow men and women. That indeed we are one.

      And all actions no matter how detached they may seem, are connected in this web of events. And in this course I seek to deepen this understanding and get more comfortable with applying it in my daily living.

    • #379631
      Heather Autumn

      Feeling the internal changes happening in me as i deepen my engagement

    • #378861

      Finally getting it. It’s taken awhile.

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 447 total)
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