What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #311587

      The best experience from the previous course was progressive removal of my doubt. What I hope to get from this course is practical instruction on how to achieve the goal at hand.

    • #311533

      My best experience from the previous course was just having a place to learn about spirituality.  I find myself going back and forth struggling with doubts.  Learning about double concealment was enlightening.   I am also very comforted by There is None Else Besides Him.  It feels good to know that all of my experiences were necessary and part of my development.  I tend to beat myself up about past mistakes so it is so freeing to know that I couldn’t have done otherwise.

      • #313418

        Wow! Charlotte’s answer nailed it for me, I couldn’t have put it any better – that was exactly what it did for me – thank you

    • #311252
      Dr Jim

      The two previous courses for me were nothing like I expected or have experienced. Being mystically curious about life’s big questions, I have disappeared into quite a few interesting cul-de-sacs…..and re-emerged not really much wiser, or more evolved. I think I approached the KabU 1 and 2 courses expecting something more exotic, more esoteric, more Qabala. To be honest, I hadn’t a clue what Kabbalah was other than a form of Jewish mysticism. I was staggered at the practicality, the rationality, the science of it all- not where I intended to be at all.  But I’m still here and about to engage in ‘Kabbalah in Action”.  In modern parlance, I guess you could say I am Kabbalah-curious. I’m very uncertain as to whether my ‘point in the heart’ has materialised but I’m looking forward to engaging with others on this quest.

    • #311208
      John Caton

      Actually, this course and the prior course are sync’d perfectly for me, because I currently am distressed after the last course because attainment of real love for others seems impractical on many levels, and this course promises to help me with that.

    • #310905

      I expect from his course the ability to apply knowledge and experience in a practical method. I have learned that if it’s not practical in “everyday life”, it is not Spiritual ❤️ if I am unable to connect through the Point in the Heart in This World, I have gone back to sleep 😴 lol (I’m unconscious so please wake me up I want freedom)!!! Lol

    • #310903

      My best experience has to be feeling at home with everything we have been learning; and feeling for the first time in my life that there is “something bigger than me” (I was raised by an atheist mother with an immense spiritual hunger), and that there is a plan (as I already wrote in the other forum).

      My expectations for this course is to finally be able to start the practical journey. 🙂

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